Jingle Bell Wind Chime

This wind chime is a very easy make with only a few simple steps. It makes a soft, jingly sound. On the last step, I have listed some other creative ways to make this wind chime uniquely yours.

You will need:
Jingle bells
Hot glue (regular works too)
Yarn or string
Duct tape
Something round to trace
A pen or pencil
Building the Main Circle

Cut out two circles of cardboard.
Duct Taping the Main Circle

Glue the circles together and wrap with duct tape.

Tie four pieces of yarn or string equally around the circle, then tie them all together and secure the string to the circle with hot glue.
Add Some Bells

Tie different lengths of yarn to the bells, then tie the other end(s) to the circle. To further secure the string, I also hot glued the knots.
Extra Things You Can Do

You are now done! Hang up outside for beautiful sounds. Some other options for making this would be to use old keys or other pieces of metal for diffrent,less jingly sounds. To decorate, you can use faux flowers, beads, buttons, whatever you want! Just be creative and have fun!