Simple Harpoon Gun
An awesome harpoon gun made of a pvc pipe 2.5 feet, sock,two elastic excersize bands,a drill, two *zipties, and of course a broom handle.
*zipties work best but you could use some thing else
*zipties work best but you could use some thing else
Gather Materials
Gather all materials from intro
Drill two holes on both sides of the pole(big enough to stick your ziptie or other binder) at ONE end only so that you could stick a string through both holes then the other ( should be paralell)
Setting Up Launcher
thread zipties through the two holes on the left side and then the right so you make loops then even out the two bands and stick the right ends of the bands through the right loop then tighten the ziptie then tie knots in the bands so they dont slip through then repeat on the other side when you are done you should have a tube with two sling shots on the end
stick sock on the end so that the elastic bands dont break
Broom Into Spear
saw off broom stick into a three foot section then sharpen one end
then file down the other end to make it flat
then file down the other end to make it flat
1.lay sock flat on the not ziptie side so you dont break your bands
2. Stretch bands on top of the sock
3.put harpoon in front end
4. have friend stradle the front end with his arm
5. friend push down on the spear then you grab the back end of the spear (still with friend holding and then) it should still be covered with sock and rubber bands then pull back the spear with the rubber bands ontop of it then let go
2. Stretch bands on top of the sock
3.put harpoon in front end
4. have friend stradle the front end with his arm
5. friend push down on the spear then you grab the back end of the spear (still with friend holding and then) it should still be covered with sock and rubber bands then pull back the spear with the rubber bands ontop of it then let go