Small Cardboard Train

I decided to put this train project in this contest because it is suitable for children.
Adult help may sometimes be needed to help children.
I put the measurements I made with my train but you can change it on yours but be logical all the same so that the train is not disfigured.
Thank you and good viewing and reading.

We will need:
- cardboard
- something to color
- glue
- plastic bottle cap
- ice cream stick
- pencil
- ruler
- scissors
Make sure the scissors are sharp enough to be able to cut the cardboard, but not too sharp either as it could injure the children.
Cut the Cardboard

To start, take a cardboard that is 31.2 cm long and 21.5 cm wide.
Then mark the dividing lines as in the picture, it doesn't matter if you start the measurements on the right or on the left. The first is 1.5 cm, then the 2nd 10 cm, the 3rd is about 8.2 cm, the 4th 10 cm and the last 1.5 cm.
Then put a line 1.5 cm from the edge on the corners of the sides and on the middle.
And cut them and make folds on the lines that we marked and also the ends of the cardboard which are on the 10 cm that protrude. If you didn't understand very well, just do as in the pictures.
Make the Windows

Now, for the windows, we will draw a rectangle 3 cm from the top and 2 cm from both sides and which is 3 cm high.
Then we will cut them.
Take Another Cardboard.

Now take a cardboard 8.2 cm wide and 12 cm long.
Then stick it on the cardboard that we cut out.
Now take cardboard 8,2 cm wide and 10 cm long. Let's do two.
We just have to glue them.
Put the Tires.

For the tires, I advise you to first separate the bottle cap into two parts with a line, to stick half on the train so that the half protrudes at the bottom.
Now you can color it.
Don't forget to make a few more carriages like this.
The Head of the Train

To start, we will take a cardboard with 15 cm long and 8 cm wide.
Then we will take a cardboard with 26.1 cm long and 7.5 cm wide.
We'll break it down like this:
The first will be 1.5 cm, the 2nd will be 7.8 cm, the third will be 7.5 cm, the 4th will be 7.8 cm and the last will be 1.5 cm.
Then we will fold it on the lines we marked and stick it on the other cardboard.
Take Another Cardboard

We are now going to take a cardboard 8.5 cm long and 7.5 cm wide then stick it on the other cardboard we have just made.
Take Something Sturdy and Bendable.

Now we're going to take something strong enough and bendable, like a fairly strong sheet or bendable cardboard.
We are going to cut out a rectangle 26 cm long and 8 cm wide.
Then, we are going to fold it like in the picture and stick it on what we just made.
The Driver's Cabin

For this little cardboard, uh, it's not easy to explain.
To do it easily, just do as in the picture, just, the width of the rectangle is 3 cm.
Just Draw

For this fairly simple step, all you have to do is draw the part in a semicircle and make a small overhang at the top, left, right and bottom so that you can glue it.
Make the Roof

For the roof, we will take a triangle with a side of 7 cm. and glue it to the top of our train head.
Now let's put the tires on.
Connect the Wagons

This part requires the help of an adult since you need something sharp enough to be able to make a hole without damaging the carriages.
So, make a hole big enough to fit the ice cream sticks to connect them to the carriages.
Do the same with all the carriages.

Well, we've finished the project.
Thanks for watching and goodbye.