Smallest Origami Paper Star

You may have seen an origami star but I bet you haven't seen how small I can make them. I will show you how I make them at this scale. It won't be easy but it is very rewarding and impressive so let's get started!

You may already have all the supplies!
All we need are a good pair of scissors, paper, and a ruler.
Optional needle nose tweezers.

The first step in building a small origami star is to build a big one. I know that sounds backwards but we need to practice the folds before jumping into the smallest scale.
A normal scale for an origami star is about 1cm x 20cm. If you find it hard to cut a smooth straight line using a ruler and scissors, you could try a sharp utility knife.
I have the folds shown above. Start by crossing one end over the other. Then bend the left end through the loop, tightening and shifting the newly formed knot to the left side. There should be a little paper tab on the left side that you can fold over to the center.
Continue to fold the long strip to the opposite corner looping around from front to back. These folds should feel very natural. You can insert the last remaining tab into the folds of the center to hold it in place.
You should see a pentagon shape that you can pinch the corners to indent and create a beautiful star!

Now let's challenge ourselves to make a half scale star. Cut another strip at 0.5cm x 10cm.
We will follow the exact same folds as before. You may find this smaller scale more difficult. Some tips that could help are to make sure your hands are dry and firmly press down on the paper after each fold to ensure it stays folded. Use your fingernails to pinch the corners to complete this half scale star!

That was tough but let's go even smaller! Cut a 0.25cm x 5cm strip. Now we might need some extra tools for this like a small needle nose tweezers to help us with the folds. Each fold needs to be very clean and precise. The first knot if very important since it's the frame for all the other folds so make sure to set that knot as perfect as you can.
The last step is the most difficult. It will be hard to pinch the corners but it is possible and might require the tweezers.

I know this is crazy... but let's go even smaller! Cut a strip 0.2cm x 3cm. Even cutting this small strip will be difficult and might require a very thin and sharp pair of scissors.
Don't expect to get this one on the first try. I failed several times and just simply started over again and again. Also, don't drop it. I dropped 1 that I still haven't found yet. But after trying a few times, I finally got one to the final stage of pinching the corners. It was too small to pinch with my fingers so I had to use the blade of a utility knife to create the dents.

Place the smallest star next to the first larger one to see how far we have come! Showing this small star to someone will definitely make them very impressed. It's hard to believe the scale but it's possible with careful folds and patience.
Thank you for checking out my tutorial and I hope you enjoyed it!
View my YouTube channel - 3DSage for more fun project!