Smart Lamp

by alejoblanco0123 in Craft > Cardboard

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Smart Lamp

Captura de pantalla 2022-11-12 160242.png

Hello! We are students of the Escuela Tecnica Roberto Rocca and this year we made an intelligent lamp that is managed by an electronic circuit.

This was the model we used as a guide to make our lamp.


Captura de pantalla 2022-11-12 164523.png
Captura de pantalla 2022-11-12 164723.png

The materials we used to make the lamp were:

  • cardboard

From the electronic part we used:

  • 7 white leds
  • 2 servomotors
  • 1 switch
  • 1 arduino UNO
  • 2 potentiometers 10K ohms

Project Objectives

Throughout the project we had objectives to achieve

  1. Being able to make a lamp made by us​
  2. Make the lamp be controlled by a remote control​
  3. Be able to explain the step by step of the construction of the lamp​
  4. Be able to use Spanish and English to explain the project​ 

We have been able to meet all the objectives except number 2 due to a lack of resources.

Key Points of the Project

In the course of the project we have had key points that helped us to make a breakthrough in the project, these are:

  • Be able to make the first prototype of the lamp (non-functional).
  • Be able to write the code that makes the lamp work.
  • Be able to make a 3D model of the smart lamp.
  • Be able to make a functional smart lamp.

Parts of the Lamp

the parts of the lamp are:

base 11x11 centimetres

two supports 

A hexagon that will function as the body of the lamp.

All this was done with glue and sometimes soldering.

First Prototipe of the Lamp

Captura de pantalla 2022-11-12 171234.png


After finishing the project, these are the conclusions we have reached

  • It is complicated to create the code that makes the lamp work.
  • It was a project that left us with a lot of learning for the future, for example, the 3D modelling of the objects.
  • We hope to do more projects similar to this one