Smart SMS Powered Water Heater Using LinkitONE
by ssarthak598 in Circuits > Arduino
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Smart SMS Powered Water Heater Using LinkitONE
Want to make your water heater start heating of water on SMS? Imagine you are out, and you are coming back home. Then won't you like if you just sms a string and your water heater gets on !
Here i'll show you how you can build a simple SMS powered water heater using your LinkitONE board!
What Do You Need?
1 . LinkitONE board
2. Water heater
3. Breadboard
5. LinkitONE GSM antena
6. Battery pack
7. Relay module
Hacking Into the Water Heater!
Now let's hack into the water heater!
We'll need to find places where we can connect a relay. So keep searching for for places where you can attach a simple relay. It could be your plug socket, or a wire joint. Once you find that, move to the next step.
Attaching a Relay

Now attach a relay to the system. Just take out the power plug, fix the relay into the breadboard, and tape up everything.
Be careful as you are dealing with high voltage!!!
Attaching the Board

Now attach your LinkitONE!
Carefully attach it to the relay and then wire it up. Once done, check the connections twice because there should be no chance of short circuit.
Writing Some Code
Now we'll write some code.
The code is really simple here! We're waiting to receive an SMS, once we get an SMS, we read it, if the string is "on" then we turn on the water heater. It's as simple as that
#include <LGSM.>
void setup()
{ pinMode(13,OUTPUT);
boolean notConnected = true;
void loop() {
String msg;
{; //reading sms
else if(msg.equalsIgnoreCase("OFF"))
Now burn the code and move to the next step!
Finalizing Everything
Finalize everything by connecting your GSM/SMS antenna and tightening it up. Carefully do it as all the parts are really brittle and can break easily.
Testing It Out!
Now test it out!
Try sending a simple SMS and see the magic! :D
Congrats! You've made your own SMS powered water heater.