Smoke in a Jar

Smoke in a jar??????? Yup thats right you can trap smoke in a jar. And in this Instructable i'm going to show you how.
Materials Needed
For this Instructable you will need
a Q card
a lighter
a jar with a lid
Folding the Q Card

First fold the card in half so you have a crease, then unfold.
Now fold both sides into the center.
Fold that in half and then this step is done!
Making the Smoke.

Take the lighter and light the end of the folded Q card on fire.
Now lightly blow the fire out so it smokes.
Quickly insert the tip into the jar and cover the top with your hand while pinching the folded Q card in between your thumb and index finger.
Finishing Up

When the smoke is your desired thickness quickly remove your hand and the folded Q card and screw on the lid.
The smoke will last for about 10 to 15 mins.
How This Works

Smoke wants to rise so if you block its exit it has nowhere to go. Its as simple as that.
Hope you enjoyed!