Soda Can Helix Wind Spinner
by thescientistformerlyknownasNaegeli in Craft > Reuse
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Soda Can Helix Wind Spinner

This instructable shows how to make a special type of wind spinner from soda cans - a helix wind spinner. They can be combined on a string and then mounted either horizontally or vertically. The aluminum sheets of soda cans are particularly well suited for this outdoor decor project because they easily withstand all elements such as rain, wind and sun. In addition to the fact that these helix wind spinners turn attractively in the wind, they also tie back the spiders that cover my balcony with their webs.

For one helix wind spinner you need the following items:
- Four 0.5L soda cans
- Utility Knife (Affiliate link)
- Circle cutter (Affiliate link)
- Old credit card
- Adhesive tape
- Awl (Affiliate link)
- Scissors
- Ruler
- Fishing snap connector (Affiliate link)
- Stapler
- Electric iron to flatten soda can sheets (Link)
Processing Soda Cans Into Aluminum Sheets

Clean the emptied soda can and then use a knife to score the can at the top and at the bottom. It is not necessary to cut through the aluminum. Apply some pressure with an old credit card near the score line to separate the top and the bottom part. The resulting tube is then cut open with scissors. To flatten the aluminum sheet, use an electric iron. The detailed Instructable is given here (Link).
Prepare the Circles

In the same way as for the top and bottom of the soda can, make a round score line on an aluminum sheet using a circle cutter (12 centimeter diameter). Then turn the aluminum sheet around and make a score line from the reverse side as well. Repeat this procedure with the circle cutter also for the inner diameter (7 cm). Use the credit card again to extract the first ring. You will need four of them to make one helix wind spinner. Cut the circle open with scissors.
Combine the Circles

Mark a reference line on both sides where the circle is cut open at a distance of about 7 mm. Place the beginning and end of circle one and two on top of each other so that the reference lines overlap. The two circles should form an eight. Secure the two circles in this way with adhesive tape (as shown in the video). Repeat this on the other side as well. Then repeat this with circles three and four. The two “eights” should look the same.
Then slide the two “eights” into each other at right angles. Now fix the “eights” with a stapler. The adhesive tape will disintegrate outdoors at some point, but the staples will last forever.
Assembly of the Helix Wind Spinner

Punch a hole in the center of the wind spinner. Cut 7 cm off a drinking straw and use it as a spacer inside the wind spinner. Pull a thread through the hole in the wind spinner and through the drinking straw. Tie fishing snap connectors on both sides so that the wind spinner can rotate freely.
Install the Helix Wind Spinner in a Nice Spot

Now combine several Helix wind spinners either horizontally or vertically. In addition you have the posibility to make a concrete stand in order to put a singel helix wind spinner on a table. I have already made a video (Link) for such a setup and the corresponding template is given in the pdf below.
Enjoy making your own helix wind spinner from soda cans.