Sourdough Bread

Sourdough bread is something that many people don't buy in stores because it's a pricey bread for such a small loaf.However, with a little bit of time and dedication you can make your own yummy loaf of sourdough bread at home!
All purpose flour
Wheat flour
Metal bowl
Dutch oven 5 Quart
16 oz jar with screw on lid
Measuring cups
Parchment paper
Stand mixer
To create the sourdough starter you will add ½ cup all purpose flour and ¼ cup water and mix.Loosely screw on lid and leave overnight.
The next day take ½ cup of the starter and throw it away, this is called the discard.we have to discard some to create a healthy sourdough starter.

Once you have discarded ½ cup of the starter you will add ½ cup all purpose flour and ¼ cup water and mix.Loosely screw on lid and leave overnight.
It should look bubbly like pictured above after about 4 feedings.

For the next 7 days you will repeat steps 2 and 3.On day 7 your jar should be about ¾ of the way full and ready to make bread!
After these 7 days you can feed your sourdough starter once a week with the same ratio and leave it in the refrigerator
Prepare Mixer
Attach dough hook to stand mixer and make sure bowl is locked into place before adding ingredients
Add First Ingredients
To begin you will add two cups of your sourdough starter, add 2 cups of all purpose flour, and add 1 ½ cups of warm water no warmer than 110 degrees,
Turn stand mixer on low speed to begin mixing the dough together
While mixer is on low speed slowly add 3 more cups of all purpose flour and 1/4 cup wheat flour one by one to avoid flour going everywhere.Mix until the dough looks combined
Leave dough in stand mixer to rest for 30 minutes
Turn mixer on to medium and mix dough for 7 minutes
Prepare Bowl
spray metal bowl with non-stick spray
Transfer Dough
move dough to metal bowl
let sit for 1 hour on countertop
This will give our bread time to rise so it's not too short
Once dough has rested for the first hour you will preheat oven to 425 degrees ferinheight
Insert Dutch Oven
insert the dutch oven in the oven for an hour so when we go to cook the bread our dutch oven is hot and will give us a nice crust.
Fold Dough
dust hands and dough with flour, For this step you will grab the top of the dough and let it stretch gradually,once it has stretched out you will take the bottom of the dough and fold it up under the top
You will do this every 15 minutes for an hour
cover top of bowl with saran wrap and let dough rest in refrigertor for 15 minutes
Cut Parchment Paper
Cut a piece of parchment paper slightly bigger than the size of your dutch oven
Transfer Dough

Transfer dough from bowl in refrigerator to the middle of the parchment paper
Lightly score the top of your dough
you can do whatever shape you like i choose to just do a few straight lines down
Remove Dutch Oven From Oven
careful not to burn yourself as it is very hot at this point
Transfer Dough
lower dough and parchment paper into dutch oven
Sprinkle Water
sprinkle 2 tablespoons of water on top of the dough and replace lid on top of dutch oven
adding the water will create steam and help our dough rise

Bake for 25 minutes with lid on
Then remove lid and bake for 25 minutes with lid off
Remove Dutch Oven
Remove dutch oven from oven
Cool Bread
using edges of parchment paper carefully remove bread from dutch oven and place on cooling rack