Sparkly CD Frame

This project/ activity consists in pasting little pieces of cd’s around any frame we found in our homes, it helps to avoid stress by cutting and breaking every single piece of CD and trying to find the perfect spot where it belongs like some kind of artsy puzzle. Also we are giving another life to the lately mentioned items, recycling them.
1 Frame
Hot glue
Soften Your CDs

- pour water on the pot and boil it over medium heat for about 30-45 minutes with the CDs. It helps to make them more flexible and easier to bend and cut them.
- Wear protection gloves (Recommended). Carefully cut the CDs in tiny pieces or whatever sizes and shapes you wish.
-Put every single piece in a bowl to make it easier to grab them.
Attach Them

- Take one piece of CD and apply the hot glue on its back side.
- Meanwhile it’s hot, attach it to the frame and let it cool down.
- Repeat every single step until you see the frame full. You can glue them close enough but not too close together to make some kind of mosaic view just like in the next pictures.
Enjoy It!

- You can hang it on a wall, put it on a desk or table. Anywhere you’d like.