Speak, Hear, and See No Evil Pencil Holder
by Zeddicus in Circuits > Software
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Speak, Hear, and See No Evil Pencil Holder

This little guy was so much fun to make. I would love to share how I did it with you guys and don't worry there will be plenty more fun things to come.
All you really need is
- your 3d printer(if you don't have one you can borrow a friends if they do)
- 3d printing filament(again, if you have one)
- and the 3d model I have attached below
Pumpkin Start

the first thing you want is a squashed sphere that is thinner in the y axis that the x axis and you will want the z axis in between the other two sizes. then you will want to take a cube and mace the hight and the width 1 and the length half the length of the pumpkin. this may seem like a wierd step at first, but trust me it will all make sense in the end. you will need sixteen of these including the one you just made. Align all of them to one point and take one of them and rotate it 22.5 degrees one direction. Do the same with the rest of them increasing by 22.5 degrees each time. You might need to make the pumpkin taller as I needed to. Next remove the spokes completely. Your base pumpkin is done.

This step was kind of a tricky one. I wanted to do leaves for the hands but I couldn't figure out how to make them vine out of the pumpkin. However, first things first, lets get the hands ready. For a first try I was really happy with it. I am going to make my levees 1mm thick. You can feel free to make them how ever thick you like. how ever I would like to note that if you make them a little thicker that you want you will get great adhesion to the rest of the model. after that you will want to make them about the size of your pumpkin. After that you hand is good to go.
Pumpkin Face Parts

For the faces you will need two more pumpkins, making a total of three. The eyes are am most likely going to be the easiest to make, but as far of how many of each you will need, you will need 2 mouths, 4 eyes, and 4 ears. for the eyes all you will need is a triangle. For the ears you will first need two cubes. You will need to thin these down and then rotate them 45 degrees in opposite directions. Then align them down the middle. I know its nothing fancy but it gets the job done. however, now is the fun part... DESIGNING THE MOUTHS!!!! feel free to let your imagination run wild as you make these mouths. Make each pumpkins mouth different if you like. but remember that we only want two mouths.
Face Assemblies

Once you have all your pieces ready you will need you make them all holes. For your first pumpkin you will need 2 eyes and 1 mouth piece. Feel free to place them however you wish. For Pumpkin 2 you will need 1mouth piece and 2 ear pieces. Feel free to place them however you wish. For the last pumpkin you will need and you should have 2 eye pieces and 2 ear pieces. Feel free to place them however you wish. You should end up with pumpkins similar to the ones in the last picture.
Hand Assembly

What you will need for this step is six hands and your pumpkins. First thing you are going to want to do is position your hands on your pumpkins. After your hands are placed, you will need a cube and a sphere that's slightly bigger than the pumpkin. Make the sphere a hole and center it into the cube and combine them and make the resulting shape a hole. then position one on top of each of the 3 pumpkins. merge each pumpkin individually. You should result with 3 separate pumpkins.

Place the pumpkins one on top of another and place the last one on the very top. Place them a little lower than normal to make sure there is goo fusion to one and other. Once you have them to your likings move on to the next step.
Clearing the Center

For this step you will need two cylinders and a tube. place the cylinder in the middle of the pumpkins. make the cylinder a hole and group all of the pumpkins together. after that make the tube the wall thickness bigger that the first cylinder that you used. center that in the pumpkin tower and group it. Then thin the last cylinder down to 2mm and make it the same size as the tube. them center it on the bottom and group them together. After you are done, you are ready to 3d print.