Stacked Levitation With Sparks and Bubbles

by MAGNET TRICKS in Workshop > Science

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Stacked Levitation With Sparks and Bubbles


It's completely useless yet awesome experiment. Combined diamagnetic suspension levitation with diamagnetic opposition levitation with lots of soap bubbles and sparks + spinning caused by a homopolar motor.

Once You Get Things to Levitate Add Bubbles and Sparks

Bubbletastic Double Trouble - Levitation Homopolar Motor

You need:

1. Diamagnetic suspension rig (height adjustable magnet that is leveled in horizontal plane)

2. Cylindrical diamagnetic opposition levitation device that can levitate a piece of pyrolytic graphite.

3. Soap bubbles

4. battery and wires for a homopolar motor. My power source was a rechargable 3000mAh 3,7V battery.