Starry Star
Things you will need:
Craft paper
Pair of scissors/paper knife
A pencil
A ruler
Craft paper
Pair of scissors/paper knife
A pencil
A ruler
Step One:
Start drawing lines, mine were ½ cm thick or you could use a paper shredder to get even paper stripes.
And cut out all stripes in to 8” long
You will need 12 paper stripes to make one star.
And cut out all stripes in to 8” long
You will need 12 paper stripes to make one star.
Step Two:
Place 3 stripes over another 3 stripes as shown in the picture. And glue them
You will need some paper clips for the next step. You have to glue each outer stripe together to form a petal. (Refer the picture)
And secure with a paper clip to hold it in place. You can remove the clips once it is dried. Make two of these. You will need two pieces to make one star.
You will need some paper clips for the next step. You have to glue each outer stripe together to form a petal. (Refer the picture)
And secure with a paper clip to hold it in place. You can remove the clips once it is dried. Make two of these. You will need two pieces to make one star.
You will have 4 bare ends in each piece. Glue each bare end to the center of each petal in the other piece. (Refer picture)
You will have a puffy star at the end, put some glue to the center and attach both together.
Attach a code and hang :) tee-hee
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You will have a puffy star at the end, put some glue to the center and attach both together.
Attach a code and hang :) tee-hee
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