Sticky Note Organizer

Using laser cutting software, I designed and printed a sticky note organizer to help my mom prioritize for her business.

- Particle board
- Laser Cutter
- Computer
- Sticky Notes

This is the start on my physical design process. I laid out the table in a way that was organized, simplistic, and easy to interpret.

My second prototype didn't go as planned. I didn't have the surface space to create all of the columns or rows in the laser cutter, so I ended up simplifying and going straight to my final product which was a 3*3. The margins were very tough to get right. I added a centimeter extra on all four sides of each box related to the perimeter of the sticky note. I then has to duplicate each box and align them over the digital canvas.

My final product on Glow-forge right before I sent it to the printer. I had to adjust the power and the speed in which the laser moved over the wood in order to create the right depth for engraving. The universal speed was 300 while the power was at 100 found in the score option. The width of the wood was 4 mm. The printer stopped halfway through during the first print and we then had to reprogram and align the boxes according to the already printed margins. This was because the end of the design was off the edge of the printer and it wouldn't all fit. This took a bit to adjust, as we had to add more boxes and delete what was already printed, but once we did, the final product turned out nicely.