Stone Bug Controlled With Sound
by vishalsoniindia in Circuits > Electronics
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Stone Bug Controlled With Sound

I love nature, i like tree's, i live everything which makes nature more beautiful
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As i am an electronics engineer, i decided to make fusion of electronic and nature to make a amazing Device. I decided to make a Bug, which will dance on sound and claps. If anybody talk near the bug the bug will do some movement, that make bug alive. The response of bug on your sound makes bug more friendly, you will feel that the bug is your pet which move when you call.
Where i Got this Idea
Few days ago, In my neighborhood, a new born baby is crying a lot, his mom and dad trying to make him happy but he is crying continuously. Then suddenly he saw a flying bug and he stopped crying and watching peacefully. So i thought why not make a bug which move when baby start cry.
The Bug will move when it will listen any sound, even it is talk, Air, Clap or any sound. It's body made of Stone which make it more realistic. It has a mic and a vibration motor and some components, that makes the Bug alive. It is an analog based circuit means you no need any programing, just connect the components as given in the circuit diagram and the bug will be ready to make some action.
So let's make the Stone Bug which is controlled with sound.

- CR2032 cell
- CR2032 cell holder
- BC547 Transistor X2
- Mic
- Vibration Motor
- 10uf capacitor
- 10K resistor
- 22K resistor
- 1M resistor
- 60 number sand paper
- A light weight stone
- A stone sanding machine
CR2032 cell :- This is a coin like shaped cell, which is used in many applications and easily available in market, so i used this cell to Power the Bug.
Mic :- this is an electric mic, it varies capacitance when it listen the sound, basically it convert sound in digital form so circuit can understand it in form of electrons.
Vibration Motor :- this motor is used in many applications, like mobile phone and gaming controller. It has a motor, mounted with a weight so it can vibrates when it rotates.
Stone :- take a light weight stone that can easy move from vibration motor if you don't have the stone you can use paper boll or hot glue ball as a body.
Make Body With Stone

Take the stone you can find it on any street or on beach, But here i did a mistake. I got a marbal stone which looks amazing, it is a white marble, i did everything to look good but at the end, i found that the stone is very heavy, the vibration motor, which i have used is not able to vibrate the stone.
So make sure the stone which you have chosen is super light weight if you don't find the light weight stone then make it with cardboard or with hot glue .
The stones comes in several shapes and size we need a perfect smooth stone which looks like bug, you can easily find that type of stone at beaches But if you dont find a smooth stone, which has perfect size then follow the steps to get it in shape.
Get a stone and break it as you need with hammer, and after this take a 60 number sand paper and sand it, but here i found sanding stone with sand paper is quite long process, after 2-3 hour of sanding i decided to do it with machine.
I found a mirror shaping factory nearby my house and after talking to them, they said we have a sanding machine which can do your work, and honestly it saved my day. After half and hour i got a perfect shaped stone, which is not perfect but perfect for me. Sanding stone is art and i am new to it, for now it will work great.
I also made a gap below the stone to insert all the circuit in the gap so it will not make a bump in stone. Let's discuss the circuit in next step.
Circle for Stone Bug

In the image you can see the circuit diagram,
In the diagram the mic's postive terminal is connected with 10k resistor and the resistor connected with positive supply of cell. The contect point between mic and resistor is our output from mic, which make voltage fluctuations when it hear some sound.
The 47uf capacitor is used to remove DC offset but, as you can see i have only 10uf capacitor for now, which worked same, So it is your choice either you want to connect 10uf capacitor or 47 uf capacitor. The positive terminal of capacitor should be connected to mic and negative will be connected to transistor.
The negative terminal of capacitor is connected with base of transistor, here we are using BC547 transistor, this transistor is also called amplifier transistor becouse it amplify the signal comes through the base of the transistor. The emitter of transistor is connected to the ground and there is 22K resistor is connected at the collector of transistor, this resistor is act as a dummy load, which gives you another signal as a output.
The output of the first transistor go to the base of 2nd bc547 transistor, which is used to amplify signal of 1st transistor. The emitter of this transistor is also connected with ground and the collector of transistor is connected with vibrator motor.
The vibrator motor is connected in between collector and positive supply coming from 3V coin cell. All the ground is connected to the negative terminal of 3V battery and positive is connected with positive terminal of 3v battery.
Now firstly make this circuit on bread board to test it properly, i have removed vibrator motor with 220ohm resistor and a LED, while testing becouse the output should be visible. If you want to connect the led, then connect negative terminal of led with collector of 2nd transistor and positive terminal of led with 220ohm resistor, that resistor is connected with positive terminal of supply.
Now clap or talk something the led will glow up , it means everything is going great.
Add Some Details

Now solder the circuit, as small as posible, if you solder it on a general purpose pcb it would be hard to insert into the stone, so i made the circuit in the air, all part are connected with each other with there own legs, that makes the circuit smaller.
Before inserting the circuit make sure the vibration motor is touching the stone, firstly glue the vibration motor with help of hot glue and the insert overall circuit inside the stone, but make sure the positive and negative wire is coming out, which we will connect to the CR2032 coin cell holder.
After connecting the CR2032 coin cell holder fix it on stone with help of hot glue. And then once insert the cell to test everything is working fine. If you find everything is working great it's time to paint it.
Cover everything along with mic and cell holder with a masking tape, when you are sure everything is protected then it's time to paint. I am using a black spray paint to paint the bug. After the paint job let it to dry, if you want any other colours for your bug your can do it as you want.
After drying the colour not add some details, i have made some eyes and some cut out of dots to make it look like bug, and also added wings with made of thing Polly bag. You can use OHP sheet to do the work.
Now all done just insert the cell onside cell holder and your friendly bug is ready to make some dance. Place this in front of crying baby and if you are luck the baby will stop crying with this toy, that totally depends upon mood pf babies, anyways we learned something from this project.
Note :- i realised, the motor which i am using is not that powerful if you found a powerful motor then ok, if not do like me, i have replaced the stone with ball of hot glue it has light weight and the shape of hot glue looks loke stone, so it makes the theme as same as i want.
By the way, subscribe to my YouTube channel for more projects like this. I also update my upcoming projects on Instagram.
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