
by Astjaeger in Craft > Jewelry

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String-Ring, making an ring out of string

So you want to make a String Ring?!
I thinks it’s pretty nice for a Person that likes to work with fabric or something related and you can totally change size and colors. Also the materials and tools are not hard to come by and it isn’t too much work. It’s also water resistant and pretty strong for what it is. also good about a Ring like that is that you can cut it pretty easily of the finger.

If you like my Instructable please vote for me in the “String and Rope” speed contest.

Materials: String (different colors look best I think) CA glue (AKA Cyanoacrylate glue, AKA Superglue) you read right, that’s It!

Tools: Sandpaper (different grids) Round rod (see Step 1) Backing paper (or something that doesn’t sick too much) Knife (not strictly necessary but probably you have a knife) Maybe a caliber



Not much to do here. Just gather your materials and tools. The Rod you need must be 0.3 - 0.7 mm bigger than the inside diameter of you ring has to be in the end. A good and simple solution to that problem is to wrap some kind of tape around a rod that is a little too small until the diameter is correct (it doesn’t need to be perfectly round your finger isn’t either). Now you should wrap the backing paper around the rod (just where you want the ring to end to be). I use a little string or a rubber band to secure the paper in place.

Now Start Wrapping …


Now start Wrapping your string around the rod.
The color you start with will be the dominant color on the inside of the ring. I wanted the inside to be the solid color so I wrapped the red string I had until the baking paper is fully covered in the width I want the final ring to be. You can do stripes in the first colors or not make a full layer of wrapping if you want a different effect.

First Layer of Glue


Before you start I want to say some things about Ca-glue. Consider, if the Glue layer ist thin it sets almost immediately! That means, you can totally glue your fingers to each other and that hurts! The fumes are not healthy and hurt if you breathe them in or get them in the eyes even. So take precautions, please!
Now… soak the layer of string in glue.

More Layers

Here is where your creativity comes in! you just need a few millimeters (1.8-3mm) thickness. So a few layers will suffice if you do Thicc full layers, but if you do random and and only partially layers you will have to repeat warping a glueing a lot more often. I decided to make the following Layers very random so that you could see not just one color on the outside.
More Layers: put some String down then glue it to the previous Layer and so forth … until you are satisfied with a thickness or you ring (that's not the final shape).



Now you can pull the ring off the rod and cut the sides and maybe the front and sand it with rough sandpaper ot the final form. Don’t worry about the fuzzy bits, those will be addressed later.

First Glue Finish Layer

Put on a layer of glue on the inside -then wait - then do a Layer on each side - then wait after each layer- then do a layer of glue on the outside. The fuzzy bits should have been disappeared and you can give the Ring a rough sand. Now start considering the comfort of the Rings edges.
These layers of glue should dry still fairly quickly but if you want to reduce the drying time you can put the Ring on a piece of Baking paper on a radiator or somewhere really warm.

Glue, Sand, Glue, Sand, Glue …..

Almost finished …. But this could take a while, depending on how many layers of glue you have to or want to do (I did 3 Layers on all sides). One side, next rim, Inside and then outside could be the order you want a Layer of glue down. Consider you have to wait a little (or use Super Glue accelerator) after every side. If you have one Layer down I advise cutting droplets with the Knife and giving them a quick sanding (the glue must be really hard to sand, otherwise it will leave marks in the finish).
The inside diameter should decrease with every layer so this is how you can influence the size of the ring. If the size doesn’t decrease by enough, put some layers only on the inside of the ring. If you overdone the layers you can sand some off.

After you are done you should use higher and higher grits of sandpaper and polish the Ring in the end with some compound or really high grit sandpaper (1500 grid maybe).

The End


If someone actually make a ring or are inspired by that, let me know
I really want to see If you use Instagram hit me up and or tag me @astjaegermaker ( )

otherwise send me a message here or a comment, whatever... Email me if you want

and tell me about my nigerian uncle that died… just don’t make it the subject line!