Stripper Tube

Hello, our names are Emiliano, Riboldi, Maria Ignacia, Andres and Maria Jose, students of Panamerican school and inventors of the best product ever. The machine that we invented is the strip tube and was based on these big machines with a huge amount of money that flies around you while you try to grab as much as you can, But the purpose was this to invent a machine that can be used in game shows and in fairs while making a huge amount of money. This first version was a prototype but eventually a bigger version will be available.
Water bottle
Copper tape
Where did we get the materials form?
The water bottle was brought from Maria Ignacia's home
Paper was found in the maker space
Markers were brought from home
The fan was given by the teacher
The battery was given by the teacher
The copper tape was given by the teacher
The cables were given by the teacher
The cutter was found in the maker space
The scissors were found in the maker space
The mesh was found inside a speaker and was removed
Gather Materials
The first step to building a stripper tube is to find all the materials needed and get them read. (Listed above)
Cut Top of Water Bottle
Cut the top of the plastic water bottle with the cutter.
Make the "money"

Draw and/or paint the paper with the markers on both sides of the page. Then, cut the piece of paper into strips and later into rectangles. This will make the money.
Cut the Paper and Insert Into Bottle
Add all the pieces of paper into the dry water bottle and connect the open part to the speaker’s mesh.
Connect the Fan and Battery
Connect the fan to a battery using cables or copper tape and make sure that it does work.
You're Done!
Finally, put the fan under the other side of the mesh and turn it on. (The fan should already be working and connected to a battery.) This should make the fan start and the papers will fly inside the water bottle.