Stubby Holder

The beer can stubby holder I normally use is made of 7 millimetres thick wetsuit material. It works well. This project attempts to make a stubby holder which works even better.
Empty beer can
Foam material
Empty chip packet
Contact adhesive
Wrap Foam Around a Can

A piece of foam was cut to wrap around the can and another for the base. These were joined with contact adhesive, kept in place with some masking tape.
Shrink Test

Attempt to Shrink - Fail

Next a conventional oven was tried. The chip packet didn't show any signs of shrinking and I was reluctant to turn up the heat too much.
Shinking the Cover

Drinking Test

Direct Comparison Test

In a direct comparison test with the wetsuit material stubby holder, the newly made stubby holder performed better, increasing in temperature by 1.5c over 30 minutes compared to an increase of 2.9c. With no stubby holder the temperature increased 5c over 30 minutes.
Relaxing With a Beer

A beer was cooled to 3c by ice spinning and then transferred to a pre-cooled drinking can vessel in the stubby holder. It was nice and cold throughout its consumption.
Stubby Holder Using Packing

Packing from a item delivered, looked like it would provide good insulation, so it was wrapped around an empty beer can. Then the can was placed into an empty twister's packet. The combo were put into an oven set to 180c for 2 minutes. This caused the wrapper to shrink around the can but unfortunately the packing must have melted as there was no insulation. The top was filed off and sanded smooth.
While it won't keep drinks cool, it will be a good drinking vessel for beer. Just pour a beer into the vessel and enjoy.