Studded Leather Knuckle Ring
by Brooklyntonia in Craft > Jewelry
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Studded Leather Knuckle Ring

I've always wanted to stud something. I even bought a ton of studs in the hopes I could find a use for them. Well, you're looking at my first piece of studded jewelry. They're fast and easy to make, so go ahead and make one for every finger!
leather punch
metal ruler
X-acto or box cutter
pliers or tweezers
You do NOT need a mallet. I don't know what I was thinking.

Wrap a piece of ribbon around the base of your finger. Cut it so it overlaps about a 1/4 inch.
Repeat with the middle section of your finger.
Cut a piece of ribbon the distance between the base of your finger and the base of your top knuckle.
Transfer Ribbon to Leather

Mark the lengths of your ribbons on the leather and add about a 1/4" thickness on the inside of the ribbon marks.
Cut on the lines using the metal ruler to hold the leather firmly while cutting straight.
Burnish and Punch

Burnish the edges of the leather gently with a lighter. Especially with soft leathers, use pliers or tweezers to hold the leather and avoid being burnt. With stiffer leathers, this may not be necessary.
Mark the placement of your studs.
Punch the two holes in the center of the ring first.
Wrap the ends to the corners when punching these holes so they will line up perfectly.

Wrap the ends to the corners and add studs.
Add studs to the middle two holes.
Use a screwdriver to tighten the studs.
Note: Thicker leathers require longer stud backs. However, if the back is just the tiniest bit too short like it was on my blue ring, you can use sandpaper to make it thin enough to fit.