Sufism Dancers

I made a Sufism dance showcase. I incorporated Sufis spinning and Arabic calligraphy. Sufism may be best described as Islamic mysticism or asceticism, which through belief and practice helps Muslims attain nearness to Allah by way of direct personal experience of God. Sufi whirling is a form of physically active meditation which originated among certain Sufi groups
Video to it working:
- Arduino Nano
- Wires
- capacitive touch sensor
- 3 Servos
- Neo-pixel strip lights
- Acrylic (1/8 in)
- wood (1/4) in
- Hot glue
- Cardboard
- Wood Block (optional)
- paint
- 3D printer
- Trotec laser cutter
Make a Box Out of Wood

Use the 1/4th inch wood to make a box. This will hide all the wires. The box will be smaller than the acrylic platform so that it does not fall through.
Make the Acrylic Engraving

Cut the acrylic to size and apply an engraving to it. Because the box's width was 7 inches I made the width 9 inches sio the acrylic laid nicely on top. Thecalligraphyy was found online but I customized it to have a Rumi poem.
Make the 3d Sufis and Paint the Hats

Using the template, use a 3d printer to make 3 sufi's five inches tall each. Then paint the top red as they have red hats usually.
Write the Code
Attach Servos to Nano

Attach the servos to the nano. Brown to ground, orange to signal, yellow to power (VIN). Do this for all servos, keeping track of where you are plugging through a breadboard template.
Attach the Capacitive Touch to Nano
Similar to the servos except you want to put the SCL and SDA in the right spots. This will be 6 and 7 from the ground pin. Black is ground and red is power as usual.
Laser Cut the Holes for the Servos

cut holes in the acrylic after figuring out where you will be placing the spinning dolls.
Place Acrylic on Top of the Wood Box
Laser Cut a Hole for the Touch Sensor

Use a Wood Block to Keep the Touch Sensor Up

Use Cardboard Pieces to Elevate the Servos

hot glue square cardboard pieces so that they are elevated and can reach just above the box
Glue the Turning Part of the Servo to the Bottom of the Sufi

Attach Lights to Nano and Wrap Them Around the Acrylic

Once you have done this, it should look something like this.
Coonnect Everything to a Battery Pack

This will allow you to let it be portable
Attach the Sufis to the Servos That Are Sticking Out

they should snap right on
Attach Fabric Along the Sides