Sunflower Nails
I am totally in love with design! It's super cute, and perfect for the summer! It's super easy to do and it looks so fancy! This step-by-step instructable will tell you exactly how to do this! Please feel free to rate and comment- It'd really make my day! Also, check out my other designs! Like what you see? Follow me :) Thank you and enjoy!
I used these for design, but I think it'd be super cute to use a black instead of the blue if you're going for an edgier design.
Step 1
Paint every nail blue. Use multiple coats if necessary.
Step 2
Make a big brown blob on each big toe.
Step 3
Take all the polish off the black nail art brush and dip it in yellow, then dip the tip in black (This will add detail to the petals) Make small strokes starting from the brown, going out to however long you want the petals to be. Re-dip when necessary. Then, clean the yellow off the black brush and dip it back into the black. Using the white and the black art brushes, Make spots on the brown. When the polish dries completely, apply top coat. And with that, your design in finished :)