Sushi Cat Toy

This is a quick and easy toy that you can make your cat in 5 minutes that he will pounce around forever just like my playful kitty.
Get Cardboard

Take your cardboard and take off one of its thin layers so it is easier to bend around.
Rap and Roll

Roll the cardboard in the shape of sushi and start taking your white yarn and roll it around the cardboard.
Stuff and Decorate

Stuff your sushi with pink yarn for the fish and tie brown yarn around for some sauce (and extra support)
Give Toy to Your Kitty

Give your kitty's new toy to him/her and you are done. My cat loves it so much he doesn't want anyone to touch his Sushi! The pictures are a tad bit blurry but this is because he won't keep still from all the fun he is having. I hoped you enjoyed it!