Suzuki Logo

If you appreciate natural materials, crafting a logo of a renowned car brand will be a lot of fun for you. The use of wood preserves the texture of this beautiful material. I’ll try to portray every stage of the process in pictures. Alder boasts great density and strength and withstands impact of hard objects. It does not crumble and is easy to cut. Finally, alder is moist-resistant.

To craft a logo, you will need a ready-made 25x86 mm alder board.
Cut it into smaller pieces (25x86x500) using a miter saw.
Cut the pieces down their length into thinner ones (25x42x500 mm) using a disc saw. Then cut the resulting work-pieces into 10 mm thick lamella boards.
Trim the lamella boards down to a thickness of 7.5 mm on a thickness planer.

Put the lamella boards together into small panels. Match color and fiber orientation. Put indices or marks on each one.
Trim the lamella board with a hand tool and fit them together.
Glue them into a single panel. Remove excess glue with a hand scraper.
Trim the panels down to 5 mm thick on a thickness planer.
Glue the panels together and alternate fiber orientation.
Leave it for one or two days and wait for inherent moisture to distribute evenly throughout it.
The Logo

Copy the Suzuki logo image onto the panel using a carbon paper. To keep it stable, nail or clip it to the board. Outline poorly visible contours with a pencil.
Cut out the logo with a jig saw and hand-polish the edge.
Cut off excess wood with a wide and flat chisel and gradually shape the logo. To prevent the work-piece from slipping, clamp it to the table. Maintain optimal height visually.
Put the logo through two-stage polishing.
First, reveal irregularities through rough polishing. Trim the logo if necessary. Second, do the final polishing. Start with 100-grit and finish with 150-grit sandpaper.
Job Done

Put two layers of white oil paint on the logo. It will protect the wood against moist, and prevent excessive drying and cracking.
Job done!