Sweet Revenge
This is a pretty fun gun :)
Features:- Great range
- Removable mag
- True trigger
- Comfy handle
- Very sturdy
- Looks Awesome!
i hope you like my gun, please subscribe!!
Thankyou :D
Read :)
I formally apologize for the quality of the pictures :( I do not have a camera to use except for this cheap video camera. the camera i used to take the pictures for the intro was my neighbor's camera.
So good luck building and read the image notes, they will help.
So good luck building and read the image notes, they will help.
Step One
This is step one. Read all the image notes :)
Step Two
This is step two. Read all the image notes :)
Step Three
This is step three. Read all image notes :)
Step Four
This is step four. Read all image notes :)
Step Five
This is step five. Read all image notes :)
Final Step
Add a rubber band onto the mag and make sure the mag is in GOOD. If not go back to that one step and add more tape. The mag must be in firm. Sometimes the rubber band on the mag wont completely push up the blue rods. If that happens just push them up using your hand :)
Have fun and remember to always shoot at family members and other living objects.
Have fun and remember to always shoot at family members and other living objects.
Who Has Built the Gun??
Picture Number:
1. KnexFreek's
2. KnexMaster7000's
3. knex_builder_freak's
4. Kenexinator's
5. Ikedog1995 BUILT TWO!!!!!
6. Pretty P's
7. Abused Waffle's
8. Muffinslayer2's
9. mikstr2's
10. Starfrog6's