This gun fires super fast and is easy to fire plus cheap to build!!! : ) To fire the gun just attach the end of the rubber band to the notch in the straw. Put the straw (while attached to the rubber band) into the end tube, pull back as far as you like (the farther you pull back the faster it will go) and let go! Make sure your straw doesn't get caught on anything. I can fire the gun across the room in 2 seconds without the bullet going off it's path!!
Gather Your Materials

You will need 9 three inch pipes, 1 nine inch pipe, scissors, duct tape, a straw, a large rubber band, 4 right angle connectors, and 6 "T" pieces.
Making the Barrel

Attack 2 "T" pieces to a 9 inch pipe and one 3 inch peace to one end.
Adding the Rubber Band

Grab one rubber band and duct tape the rubber band to the "T" piece closest to the 3 inch pipe.
Starting the Stands

Attach two 3 inch pipes to two "T" pieces.
Finishing the Stands

On the two spots open on both the "T" pieces add two 3 inch pipes for each piece. On the same pieces you just attached, add two right angle pieces each piece. Then, on one, add two other 3 inch pieces on the right angle pieces.
The Base Attachment

Attach the smaller of the two pieces you just build to "T" piece farther away from where you taped the rubber band at. Attach the larger piece you just made in the "T" piece closer to the taped rubber band.
Making Ammunition

Grab your straws and cut off the bendy part. Then, cut a slit the size of a centimeter into the straw. Finally, add a small piece of duct tape on the opposite end of the slit.