TPMC Device (tyre Pressure Monitoring and Controlling Device).

by Devki Nandan Dalveer in Circuits > Gadgets

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TPMC Device (tyre Pressure Monitoring and Controlling Device).

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TPMC Device (tyre pressure monitoring and controlling device).


NOTE :- ( TPM) tyre pressure monitoring device is already developed , this device can only monitor the pressure .but with the use of (TPMC) people can fill air in the tyer by pressing button only.

NOTE:-(TPMC) is similar to automatic tyre inflating system( ) , but it’s small in size , affordable , low cost, it’s construction is different ,can be install in any car or bike.

NOTE :- this can be more compact but i developed to just show the working and benefits and can be use in car bike.

watch video to better understand.

in this era of modernization every things are going towards automation .so with the help of embedded system, I have developed new type of device which is called TPMC.

TPMC is an electronic system to monitor the tyre pressure or controlling in the wheels of the car. It consist sensor with mini compressor system on the internal circumference of the cars tyre.

Air supply pipe check on the tyre nozzle whenever there is reduction in the air pressure or any leakage due to puncture, the sensor wirelessly report the situation in the driver monitoring system . The compressor helps driver to maintain the tyre pressure, driver can operate it manually by pressing button from dashboard of car.

look last tyre image to understand the installing of tpmc device look there is space between central axis and outer circumference.

Download the attached pdf for detail study and to understand the concept.



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whole device is device is divided into two parts.....( A) control unit , (B) field unit. you all will see in detail.

so the components that i used are :- please visit images for better understanding.

1) Arduino nano.

2) Nodemcu.

3) 16x2 LCD module.

4) 2 push button 2 pin .

5) green,red LED.

6) one 3.7 batteries and one 12 volt batteries.

7) 2 nrf24Lo1 module.

8) pressure sensor.

9) 12 volt DC compressure.

10)12 volt motor.

11) relay module.

additional head resistance and shock resistance materials.

NOTE :- must read.

look last tyre image to understand the installing of tpmc device look there is space between central axis and outer circumference.

i bought the 2 Bluetooth which can work on AT mode but i tried multiple ways and multiple time but it was not working that's why i used wired Serial communication between the device (Nodemcu and arduino). butt suggest to use nrf24Lo1 transceiver it will definitely work use i used and it worked.

Control Unit

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TPMC control unit (tyre pressure monitoring and controlling device)

Control unit

NOTE :- download the pdf for detail study.

This is the main unit from where the driver can control field unit. It consist screen which shows us the pressure of tyre, red LED which shows as the emergency condition like during punctureor low pressure if the pressure is less then standard pressure, if the screen and red led showing low pressure then driver can control pressure by pressing push button which activates compressor.there is also green led if the green led is on that means the compressor is on.

TPMC use wireless communication to send command and data from control unit to field unit and from field unit to control unit. components used in control units.

1) arduino.

2) lcd module.

3) red,green leds.

4) 2 two pin push buttons.

5) batterry (3.4 mah).

6) nrf24Lo1

Working of control unit:-

When field unit send data to control unit via transceiver, control unit display that data on screen. Suppose there is low pressure in tyre control unit indicate by red LED . When driver press the push button green led will on and at the same time control unit send high signal to field unit and field unit give high signal to compressor pin in this way compressor will be on.

Here both the control unit and field unit communicating with radio communication.

Field Unit

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You can understand the working of field unit by read the control unit working it's also not defined in the pdf but i'm defining here the working but before the main components used in the field units. all the components are defined in detail visit pdf.

1) relay module.

2) pressure sensor.


4) 12 volt battery made by adding the 3.4 mah battery together in series and parallel combination.

5) nrf24Lo1.

6) Nodemcu.

7) Dc motor to charge the battery.

work of sensor is to detect the pressure from tyre and send to processing unit (Nodemcu) the work of compressor to inflate the tyre. processing unit send data of sensor to control unit and at the same time when driver press the button from dashboard then control unit send signal to field unit to activate the compressor.if green light is on in control unit that means compressor is on .

look last tyre image to understand the installing of tpmc device look there is space between central axis and outer circumference.

there is 12 dc motor in field unit which will work as dc generator help to charge the battery of field unit. it's can be attached with the central shaft of car .