I had used SBC modeling clay for this tribal mask and i also used silver spray paint at the last.
STEP 1 :

Take the dough of the clay mention in the supplies and place it on a flat surface.

Take a roller used in making roti and start making clay sheet with that roller upto a required thickness ( 1cm ). First slide the roller in vertical direction and then rotate the clay sheet 90degrees and start rolling verically again untill it looks like a circular clay sheet.

After making the circular clay sheet then cut the sheet with a sharp cutter slowly and carefully such that it looks like above picture and remove the unwanted portion.

Now draw the outlines of eyes and nose and mouth with a needle slightly and make some ropes kind of structures and keep it aside and these are used for making eyes, nose and mouth.

On the lines which you had drawn before make small holes so that when we place extra clay on that it will stick perfectly.

Now place the rope like structures on the out line of eye and press gently and with your fingers make the joints to stcik each other and soften them with your fingers. and also add the clay to the inner part of the eye so that it looks realistic.

Here add the nose part with a long rope of clay and two small balls of clay as shown in the above picture.

Now make the nose look realistic, so join the gaps between the balls and the rope so it look like single part.

Now place the sheet prepared upto now on a sphere base bowl and now add the mouth part of the mask and make it smooth and fill the gaps and finally make it look like the third figure.

Take another dough and make a circular sheet with a roller and cut it as shown in the second figure.

Now add ( Add after the face part totally dried so that finally it looks like 3d mask ) the sheet prepared just before to the mask above head so it seems like hair. As all the parts on the mask are completed take the mask from that bowl and place it on a flat surface and do some smoothening and some lines on the hair part to look realistic and then let it dry and after drying it now look like the 4th figure.

Now after fully drying start painting the mask with the spray paint mentioned in the supplies. If you want then you can also add some paints to the eyes and other parts.

This is the final result. Your tribal mask is ready now.