Table Blanket Fort

This project will be on my interpretation on how to make a blanket fort using a table. This is a lot of fun for younger kids and something I enjoyed when I was younger. I hope that this tutorial finds you well and informational if you need further help feel free to leave a comment.
Paper Towels:
Mop (Optional)
Blankets (4 big ones may vary on table size)
A dark room
Clean Surrondings

Make sure the area you plan to build in is clean. For a table I suggest lysol and paper towels for the floor a mop and broom.
Top Blanket

For the first step you will want to place your biggest blanket on top for a foundation this may droop down on the sides and that is okay.
Side #1

Grab your second most biggest blanket and place it on the side so its fully covering the side of the table. Make sure to tuck tightly under the first blanket.
Side #2

Do the same as Step two but with a new blanket and on the opposite side.
Front Side/ Entrance

Similar to step 3 but generally the smallest blanket and the entrance into the fort.

Okay so now that the exterior is done we want a comfy interior so I like to lay down pillows,blankets, and decor. Furthermore if you are in the dark you may want a flashlight set up.
Images of Fort Being Used

Images of fort in use.