Temperature Measurement Using Arduino

by EE MAKER LAB in Circuits > Electronics

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Temperature Measurement Using Arduino


In this project i will show you how to measure temprature by using arduino and display on OLED display module

part need

arduino UNO

oled display

10k ohm resistor

103 NTC Thermister

jumper cable

Circuit Diagram

temprature measurement.JPG

connect oled display and component to arduino as per diageram
Vcc => 5v


SCL => A5

SDA => A4

the circuit is as look as voltage divider rule hear we know the supply voltage,out voltage,one of the resistor so we can find unknown resistor

thermistor is stands from thermal resistor so resistanc is change as per temperature change

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To control the OLED display you need the adafruit_SSD1306.h and the adafruit_GFX.h libraries.



Check on Youtube

temperature measurement by using arduino