Tennis Ball Collector

by BevCanTech in Outside > Sports

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Tennis Ball Collector


This tennis ball collector saves you from having to bend down to pick up tennis balls.

Simply push the tube slightly over a ball, then using a push and pull back action with you arm to release the ball into a collection bag. Pick up another ball in the same way.

Originally the plan was to use the Ball Collector as a collection tube, picking up multiple balls into the tube, but it was found the pick and release method worked better.


Beverage cans

Packing tape

Length of dowel


hobby knife



Making the Tube


Cut the top and bottom off a beverage can using a hobby knife and scissors.

Pinch around the circumference of the can using a pair of long nose pliers. This is to make it able to fit into another can.

Fitting Another Can

  • Cut the top off another beverage can.
  • Place the pinched into of the previous can into this can.
  • Tap lightly the bottom of the uncut can so the joined can make a snug fit
  • Tap some packing tape around the outside to make them secure.

Another way is just to cut the end off a can and insert the top of the next can with out cuting it's top off.

The Wavy Line


Continue adding cans until the ball collector is long enough to be used without bending down. Leave the last can's bottom on.

On the end of the first can, the one which will go over a ball to be picked up, cut a 'wavy line' as shown in the photo. Then bend the tabs slightly in and then out, this is so they will grab a ball but can be easily released into the collection bag with a forward and back arm action.