Testing the Streng of Woodrings

by Astjaeger in Craft > Jewelry

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Testing the Streng of Woodrings

I made and then destroyed a bunch of WOOD rings to finde out how strong they are

I just took a scale to destroy them and put down their max strength.
I also used calipers to messure the diamntons for comparison.

Analyzing the Data


the 3 ways to do a fully wooden ring, that I think are viable, is to use

Plywood (many tutorials on instructables),

Bendwood (many tutorials on instructables) or

3 layered cross grain (you can figure it out watching my video).

Crowed Sourcing the Data

If I had more data I could do a better analysis!
If I saw that people are interessted I would be more motivated!
So send me data! just make Rings destroy them and send me the Method you made it with all the dimentions and the wood type and of course the "force" it broke... If you have some rings that are for some reson not up to your standard, I would be glad you you send me your data via



or here somewhere ...

you would get more knowlege back!