The Basics of Soccer

Hello, and welcome, today we're going to talk about some basics of soccer. For this lesson you will need a soccer ball and a soccer cleat. For now you can use a running shoe that you might have, but you will need a soccer cleat eventually.
Positioning the Ball

First step is to position the ball, when taking a penalty kick, a free kick or a corner kick, I like to touch the ball first, feel the field and the ball, positioning the ball is very important. When a player feel the ball before shooting, it gives the player the ability to know where to shoot, it keeps the player calm.
Protecting the Ball

Step #2: To protect the ball, this step is one of the most important steps. While playing, if you have the ball, you want more than anything to keep it in your team, but keep in mind that the other team is also coming for the ball. Is very important that whenever you see a player from the opposing team approaching, you should open your arms and step on the ball. When you open you arms it makes it harder for the defender to get to the ball, and stepping on it, gives you time to think and to take a look at the game.

Step #3: Shooting and scoring. The main purpose of soccer is to score goals and win, however, to score you first need to learn how to shoot the ball. When shooting, if you're using your right foot, make sure you place your left foot firmly next to the ball to give you balance. Swing your arms and incline your body, the more you swing, the more power you put to the ball. If you want the ball to go up, remember, hit your foot under the ball and incline you body as much as u can. The more you incline and the more you swing, more power the shot will have.
Step #4: Dribbling, when you need to pass by a defender is very important that you keep the ball close to your foot, protecting the ball always, and move the ball as fast as you can. Do not put the ball far away from your foot, the closer the ball is to your foot, the harder it is for the defender to get it. Make sure you are aware of when a defender is coming. If you're facing the other way and the defender comes behind your back, before receiving the ball, check and make sure you have time. If you don't have time, make sure you know what to do when the defender is coming.
Staying Calm While Controlling the Ball

Last but not least, step #5: staying calm, if you think too much, is likely that you will be nervous of making a mistake. Soccer is not about thinking too much. When running with the ball, don't kick it forward and chase it after, keep it close to your foot, it makes you less tired. Keep your head up so you can know where you're running, if your teammate is open for a pass and to know if a defender is coming. Remember, if you make a mistake you can always try again.
Example of Shooting

To end this lesson, here is an example of shooting, notice how I stayed calm and I chose where to shoot before going for it, be patient and take your time. Thank you.