The Flood Prevention House (Make It Resilient)
by KaiTerami in Workshop > 3D Design
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The Flood Prevention House (Make It Resilient)

As climate change continues to become severe, the number of natural disasters such as floods also increase accordingly. To prevent such floods from influencing us, I will step by step introduce you to the most safest flood prevention house you will ever see, and your house will never become destroyed. I will start by introducing you to the various materials needed to construct this prototype.

Items needed:
- Carbon Fiber (For walls)
- Thick Trees (Mangrove, Oak Tree, Etc.)
- Boat (Easily Inflatable and usable)
- Emergency Items (AID kit, food supply, fireworks)
- Fusion 360
Planting Trees

After gathering the materials, plant many thick trees around your house. This is important as thick trees can help prevent water from passing, and also helps reduce carbon emissions by doing photosynthesis. According to The Conversation, "This is because the presence of trees slows the floodwaters’ speed, as their trunks, roots and branches block and deflect water, and change the direction of flow".
Creating the Walls

However, water can still pass the trees, and with enough flood, it could cause severe damage. The wall helps reduce water from going inside the house. I used the Garrison Flood Control Barrier, which "As water rises, Mayim flood barriers are kept in place due to the weight of water, which presses the L-shaped barriers into the ground below and against the adjacent panel, providing ballast, increasing the seal and enhancing grip" (Garrison Flood Control). With this in place, it should minimize damage to the house.
The House

Yes, if the flood is very strong and continues for a long time, water level will increase, passing the barrier. The house is elevated to reduce flood to enter the house. With a 45 degree staircase to enter the house, boat at second floor for emergency, and finally if the boat doesn't work, an observation deck with the emergency supplies inside. This house is full carbon fiber (sturdy and strong) and has 3 floors, higher than what the Resource for the Future says the average "height of 0.5 to 0.65 meters" of a flood at the US (RFF).

This house is a very simple design to prevent floods from damaging your houses. If extreme environments such as my location where there is lots of flooding, floods play an important role in the transport of tree seeds and wildlife diversity. The growth of the trees with lead to more photosynthesis, helping reduce global warming. This will help humans survive and thrive. Additionally, I believe that I can inform the people in my community about floods by sharing my design and introducing them to alternative solutions for flooding, which may become more common in the future.