The Headhunter XL

This project stemmed off of the headhunter (obviously) but it was ineffective in war because I don't have many blue clips. The headhunter NEEDED an upgrade. The headhunter XL shoots grey clips instead of blue clips for better range easier to find and more power. I won't post instructions because it's easy to convert the original headhunter into this ammo type
Some stats
Ammo grey clips 9 in mag
Range 23 ft
Sights added
Improved grip and trigger
Minor improvements
Some stats
Ammo grey clips 9 in mag
Range 23 ft
Sights added
Improved grip and trigger
Minor improvements
Ok since the knex community is dying here I want to contact KNEX about maybe funding or sponsoring an instructables like website dedicated to any and all knex creations. If anyone would like to help give me a yell