The Really Amazing Pot

What I made for my instructable is a pot that is made for people like me that burn the food. This pot has a sensors that go off if the food is about to burn. It also has a thermometer that tells you the temperature of the food while its cooking.
sensors, light, thermometer, handles, stainless steal, batteries Double AA
The Starter Pot

First you start with a pot, or you can make the pot with stainless steel
The Batteries
After that you drill a hole and add the things where it can operate the pot with batteries so you can operate the sensors and the lights when it tells you when the food is about to burn. you switch the on and off button so the batteries can operate and the batteries are double AA
The Thermometer and Sensor

After that you add the thermometer to check the temperature of the food and you also add the sensors so it can notify you when the food is gonna burn. You can add a light to it but you don't have to. The sensors are going to be connected to the battery energy so they can operate. The Thermometer does not need the batteries
Finally you turn on the batteries and you test it out by putting the pot in the stove and putting the food that you are going to cook in the pot and the sensors should go off and it should tell you the temperature of the food.