Theatrical Motion Light

by samburroughs13 in Workshop > Home Theater

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Theatrical Motion Light

ECET 38001 Project.JPG


The operation and construction of theatrical motion lighting can be a complex and expensive venture. Over the years, the advancement of technology has allowed for easier operation by controllers and programming. For under $100, you can even design your own prototype lighting system with 2 axes of motion and light dimming. This mock model should help even the most inexperienced user with how to construct and work this motion lighting system. It is assumed a home computer or laptop is available to upload provided coding in the steps below. 


Supplies Picture.JPG
Bill of Materials.JPG



Pine Wood:





Hot Glue Gun:

Rotary Tool Kit:

Frame Assembly

The materials used to construct the frame are the Pine wood board, rotary tool kit, pencil, ruler, safety glasses, and hot glue gun.  

Step 1: Unwrap the vacuum sealed wood slat from the plastic 

Step 2: taking the pencil, carefully measure a 4 x 2 inch rectangle on the pine wood. Use the ruler as a straight edge to mark the surface. Four of these rectangles will need to be etched into the pine board along with another rectangle with the dimensions of 4 x 4-¼ inches as well as two 1-½ x 1 inch pieces. 

Step 3: Once the pine board is prepared. Open the rotary kit and plug it into an outlet outside or in a spacious area with good ventilation. The grinding wheel attachment will need to be assembled using the steps provided in the rotary tool kit. Insert the grinding wheel into the rotary tool. 

Step 4: Before turning on the rotary tool, put on safety glasses to avoid eye damage or irritation. Turn on the rotary tool and put it on the speed setting of seven. Cut along the lines that have been marked on the pine board ensuring the grinder cuts completely through the board. 

Step 5: Once all pieces cut, take the four rectangular and form them into the 4 x 4-¼ rectangular shape. 

Step 6: plug in the hot glue gun and allow time for it to warm up. Once warm glue the edges together to make a solid base. 

Step 7: Take the 4 x 4-¼ piece and place it on top of the constructed base gluing together these edges as well. 

Step 8: in the middle of the 4 x 4-¼ piece take the servo and mark the outline of the rectangle as well as the screw holes.  

Step 9: Cut out this created shape and ensure the servo fits into this rectangular hole. 

Step 10: Glue the two remaining smaller pieces end to end to make a V-like shape. 


*The sand grinding wheel can be used to smooth out any cuts made before hot gluing takes place. 

Circuit Assembly

Better Wiring Diagram.JPG

For the circuit assembly, the materials needed are the Arduino, the jumper wires, potentiometers, servos, and the frame assembly.

Step 1: Insert the potentiometers into the breadboard, leaving enough space between them for you to turn them with your fingers.

Step 2: Attach a wire from the +5V pin of the Arduino to the red bus of the breadboard. Then attach a wire from the GND pin of the Arduino to the blue bus of the breadboard.

Step 3: Use wires to attach the left leg of each potentiometer to the blue bus of the breadboard, and attach the right leg of each potentiometer to the red bus of the breadboard.

Step 4: Attach a wire from the middle leg of one potentiometer to the long leg of the LED, and attach a wire from the short leg of the LED to the blue bus of the breadboard.

Step 5: Attach wires from the red bus of the breadboard to the red wires on the servos. Attach wires from the blue bus of the breadboard to the brown wires of the servos.

Step 6: Attach a wire from the middle leg of the second potentiometer to the A0 pin on the Arduino, then attach a wire from the middle leg of the third potentiometer to the A1 pin on the Arduino.

Step 6: Attach a wire from digital pin 9 of the Arduino to the orange pin of one of the servos, then attach a wire from digital pin 10 of the Arduino to the orange pin of the other servo.

Arduino Programming

  • Follow the instructions and download the latest Arduino IDE software here, 1.8.20 at the time of this instructible. 
  • Extract the zip file to a suitable folder. We recommend creating one on your desktop for easy access. 
  • Once extracted, launch arduino.exe. 
  • With the program launched and working, open our provided code into the sketch software. Press the Check mark in the upper left to verify it works. Next, select the Arduino Mega 2560 Board from the “tools” menu, plug the Arduino in to the computer’s USB socket with the provided USB A to USB B cable. Finally, select the COM port to connect to from the “tools” menu. Generally, pick the highest port number that shows up, and try switching COM ports if you have trouble connecting the software to your microcontroller. To upload the verified code, click the right-facing arrow button in the upper left corner of the window.


  • The Motion lighting system should now function as designed, with the potentiometers controlling the 2 motors and their axes as well as the dimming of the LED light. This mockup model should be able to demonstrate how simple the addition of programming has made for the system to be operated and controlled.