Thor Hammer Paper Weight / Ambient Night Lamp
by ManpreetP in Workshop > 3D Printing
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Thor Hammer Paper Weight / Ambient Night Lamp

Hello Everyone,
There are all kinds boring paper weights and ambient lights out there in the market so I was looking for something unique for my dorm room desk. Marvel is a huge hit from a long time and everyone loves marvel character props and toys so I thought why not design Thor's hammer which can be used as so many different things, there are so many possibilities with its usage, but I choose to use it as a cool looking paperweight/ambient night lamp for my dorm room.
So lets get started...
Fusion 360
Access to a 3D printer
LED lights, a small battery and a switch ( optional )
Traditional Designs and Inspiration

Paper weights come in different shapes and sizes but the most common ones are the glass globe ones and metal ones which can be easily found or even designed and printed.
The main soul of this project was to add some uniqueness to your room, for instance, say, your friends visit your room and they these ordinary paper weights, obviously no one will even notice them, BUT just imagine they walk in and they see THOR's hammer lying on your desk they will sure be surprised and even they will want one for themselves.
Sketches to Get Started

Here, are some of the sketches I drew taking reference from the movies and available artworks. the design is pretty straight forward and really a beginner to intermediate designer can design it which the best thing about this project.

- The basic design can be divided into a cuboid and a cylinder.
- The main section of the hammer( the cuboid) has different features which will be added like extrude cuts, chamfers and fillets. I also tapered the edges to give it the shape it has.
- For the handle, I just extruded a cylinder, used chamfer tool and coil tool to create the coiled pattern on the handle, you can even use different methods for that like threading tool.
- for the logo on the hammer i just drew the logo and used the offset tool to create a filled shape and then used extrude cut.
Rendering and 3D Print Options

We are done guys, here are some cool renders of the final product. I am planning to use it as a paperweight and a ambient light lamp. You can add some cool blue LED's and use it as both a paper weight and ambient night lamp. there are so many other possibilities as well you can even get a smaller print and use it as keychains, its all up to you.
TIP: while 3D printing keep the infill settings low so that you can insert LED for ambient light.