Tiger Musky Plushie

by Horseman777 in Outside > Fishing

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Tiger Musky Plushie

Photo on 12-12-13 at 3.46 PM.jpg
Hi I will be teaching you how to make a tiger musky plushie, I have no pictures but I will take a picture of the final product.

Photo on 12-12-13 at 3.46 PM.jpg
Ok so first you go to the store and get some zebra felt, googly eyes, and tacky glue. 

Photo on 12-12-13 at 3.46 PM.jpg
Take a sharpie and draw a musky the best you can and then cut it out with scissors.

Photo on 12-12-13 at 3.46 PM.jpg
Make a musky head and 4 fins and 2 tails and flip them over so you can see them. Take a red marker and make the gills.

Photo on 12-12-13 at 3.46 PM.jpg
Glue on googly eyes and the parts fins, head, and tail you just made.

Photo on 12-12-13 at 3.46 PM.jpg
Sew the musky together and stuff it with cotton balls and then just ENJOY!!!!!!!.