Compact Tilting Cargo Trike

Design and draw in computer before build anything; you can build a whole new trike or modify from a bike
動手造物前先設計製圖; 可設計製作整車,或現成單車改前二輪快些

Sub frame of the front end kit; mass production need welding jigs
前支架; 批量製造須有焊接治具

Suspension arms and Steer knuckles, structures made by laser cut sheet metal
懸掛與轉向節, 主体以鐳射割鈑金製作

Scrub of different kind of knuckles and wheels,now I'm building G2
Lean angle compared with the similar trike in the market
Why Scrub Matters

This kind simple style front end kit is a carriage steering mod, you have to exert much more power (say scrub 25cm;about 8 times of sports car mod)on handle bar, not fit for non-pavement terrain

Sub frame tubes and welding jig positioning completed
副支架管結構完成, 找工廠代工焊接

Aluminum alloy subframe also available

What capacity of the compact trike?even when in tight turn without interference
小車有多大裝載量? 以不影響跨越起落安全騎行為前提

You need a 4th wheel bumper in front when carry a kid, and more- -it turn into a mighty all terrain bike
親子車前端再加一輪更安全, 搖身一變就成了無敵越野車- -

Almost done;waiting for hub motor and controller

Easily run over obstacles and climb up sidewalk curbs without stunts

And hub motor installed