Tin Can Armor

This is a balistic type vest made out of tin cans and zipties

You will need 9 normal-sized cans and 4 medium-sized cans like monsters. You will also need some wire, wire cutters, a screwdriver, and a hammer.
Cutting Cans

Cut the tops and bottoms of the cans then, cut along the seam of the can.
Flatten the Cans

Flatten all of the cans on the table and fold the edges on all but 3 regular cans.

Mark and punch holes that line up with the other can
Shoulder Pieces
Make 6 shoulder pieces out of 3 cans by cutting them in half then fold the edges
Connect the Pieces

Connect the sheets using zip-ties.

Add wire to hold the front and back together, and add tape to weak points if necessary.

Enjoy your new armor.