TinkerCAD Codeblocks Snowman Challenge
by Ms-Phippard in Teachers > 6
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TinkerCAD Codeblocks Snowman Challenge


This is the "Snowman Challenge", an activity that I do with my 6th graders during our TinkerCAD unit, and during CSEd Week (Hour of Code) to show that they can have computer algorithms design alongside them.
Things that this lesson helps emphasize:
Computational Thinking:
- Algorithm Design
- Iterative Process
- Understanding the Coordinate System (XYZ)
- Device (computer, chromebook, etc)
- TinkerCAD (free account)
Build a Three-part Snowman Body

This is my student's first interaction with codeblocks, so we start with an outline of the body code.
- Stack 3 sphere blocks from the Shape menu, and 3 move blocks from the Modify menu (as shown)
- Click play. The three spheres appear centered on the ORIGIN. They are all the same size, so we can only see one sphere.
- Change the Z value of one MOVE command. The Z value controls the position of the object along the Z axis (up and down). Use a positive number to raise the sphere and a negative number to lower the sphere.
- Try out different Z values until one sphere is stacked on another.
- Repeat this step until you have a stack of 3 spheres.
- Now, change the RADIUS of each sphere. The bottom sphere should have the largest radius, the top sphere should have the smallest radius.
- Make adjustments to the radii and the Z position until you like how your snowman stack looks.
- Don't forget to adjust your snowman's color too.
Note: I do not just give out the values of the parameters because I want the students to learn the effect of their adjustments AND to get used to the practice of making incremental changes and testing their code frequently.

This build is all about creativity AND exploration. I do NOT give step by step instructions or code to my students for these parts. The goal is TINKERING and ITERATING.
So- in class- here is how this goes:
- Ask the students to pick a snowman accessory (examples: a hat, carrot nose, buttons, smile, stick arms, mittens, scarf)
- Work to build that ONE accessory using codeblocks.
- Break down the shapes (example: A top hat is two cylinders, one wider and shorter than the other. A stocking cap is a half sphere with a torus around it and a sphere pompom on top)
- Build up the solution piece by piece. (Place, test, move, test)
- Each new object should be it's own stack of blocks, topped by a "create object" block- this helps stay organized
- Once you have finished an accessory, pick another and repeat (until you run out of time)
- Putting new objects BEFORE old objects makes it possible to see those new objects- everything is built at the origin and then can be moved later.
- The Modify-->Create Group block is helpful- after building a complete object at the origin, group it and then move it all together.
- Use COMMENTS to note what is happening in parts of your code so that you can find parts when adjusting or troubleshooting later.
- Really emphasize how movement works (If they are viewing from the front plane: X movements are side to side, Y movements are forward and backward, Z movements are up and down.). If a kid is stuck here- have them just move something around for awhile and watch where it goes with different values.
I have attached 4 screenshots of example code to this step (arms, hat, face, and scarf). All of these have been made for one snowman so some values would need to be tinkered with if you decide to copy this code. Also note- my students have figured out 50 different ways to make these items and more, when left to their own creativity and given the time and freedom to play with the code.
Collaborate, Give Feedback, Get Complicated

"If you think you're done, you're not done- you're just ready for a challenge!"
If my students finish accessorizing their snowman while there is time left, they are required to go ask another student for feedback.
The process for this assignment was:
- Ask for feedback/ or changes that need to be made
- If no changes are NEEDED, student giving feedback would make a suggestion for a new accessory.
- Student getting feedback now needs to go build that accessory.
So it would go something like this:
A: "I'm done, what do you think?"
B:" This looks good, I like the nose. I think you should add a mug of cocoa."
Student A would then go try to figure out how to add a mug of cocoa. Then the next person they ask for feedback suggests that their cocoa needs marshmallows...etc.
- Reinforces striving for improvement
- Adds challenges for students who "finish early"
- Provides reinforcement to students giving feedback (viewing the work of others)
- Leads to more and more elaborate and creative snowmen as they try to 1-up each other's suggestions.
*Note- as they add items, there is a limit to the processing that the program can do.
We use the feature of SHARE-->ANIMATED GIF to "publish" and share these designs (this one stays completely virtual- though they can be exported as .STL for 3D printing.
Fun extension: Some of my students tried to further use their code to make their build appear animated. (Not just animating the building process, but having the snowman move after being built.