Tinkercad Slice of Cheese

by Coderlightshow in Workshop > 3D Printing

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Tinkercad Slice of Cheese

This is a slice of cheese in Tinkercad this is simple as cutting cheese.

The Cheese

First you will need a roof from basic shapes make it 65 mm tall and 32 mm wide. Then rotate it 90 degrees so it looks like a slice of cheese now you have your base cheese. For more cheesy cheese grab one sphere from basic shapes and place it into the cheese make sure to not fully cover the sphere. Copy and paste it and place it somewhere else make it thinner any way to make it look more realistic. Group it then change the color to yellow. Done! Warning ⚠️ DO NOT EAT. File here https://thangs.com/lightshowNow/THIS-IS-NOT-CHEESY--15134