Tiny African Thumb Piano

This instructable is how to make a tiny African thumb piano. The piano really works and is just a little bigger than a cough drop.
The first time I saw an African thumb piano, I was inspired to make one myself. Maybe you'll be inspired too!
Sanding tool and paper
Hair pins
Wood glue
Stain and finish or Paint
Make a Box

Cut out pieces of wood to make a box. The sides of the box are about an inch big. Put glue on all sides where the wood meets. You can then tape around the box to hold it together while the glue dries. (You can also use a clamp if you'd like.)
Tip: You do not need a lot of glue.
Add Top and Bottom

Cut 2 shims and put 1 on each side. Then drill a hole a little lower than the middle of the top side. Remove excess dust. Then glue down the top and bottom pieces. (You can use tape and clamps again to hold it all together while the glue dries.)
Add Keys

Take the end of a shim off and cut a channel in the middle. Remove excess dust. Glue down channel piece to the upper half of the top side, above the drilled hole. Drill six holes along the channel, give a little space between each hole. (I recommend using a pencil to mark.)
Then cut hair pins at various lengths and bend slightly at the tip of one side. Place hair pins inside each hole. Add glue atop the channel, across the hair pins. Cut another piece of wood the same size as the channel piece, but do not make a channel in this piece. Place this piece on top of the glued hair pins inside the channel. Use clamp to hold it together.
After glue dries, sand the wood so that the piano is smooth.
Paint It

Then paint it. After the paint has dried, polish the piano. Then let the polish dry.

You are done and ready to play it!