Tiny Felt Pies

These teeny tiny pies are so cute!
When I saw someone with a mini bottle cap pie I knew I needed to create some of my own. Attached to a hair clip they are a great accessory for Pi Day!

You'll need:
- Bottle caps - you can buy bottle caps from home brewing suppliers or use clean recycled ones.
- Tan coloured craft felt
- Seed beads in red and blue (size 10 royal blue beads for blueberries and a mix of red beads for strawberry-raspberry)
- Glue - I used clear gel tacky glue to glue together the pies and a hot glue gun for the final step
- Magnets or hair clip (optional)
Cut Felt

Trace the bottle caps onto the felt.
Cut out the circles, these will form the crust.
If you would like a pie that is missing a slice, cut a triangular section out of the felt.

Glue the felt circles into the bottle caps.
Remove the plastic bit first if you are making a pie with a missing slice (you can lift the edge with the tip of your scissors and peel it back).
Add a generous dollop of glue to the inside of the felt crust and then pour on the seed beads. You can use a toothpick to spread the glue and move the beads around until you are happy with the placement.
Add the Lattice Crust

Cut some very thin strips of felt.
Glue them to the top of the pie, over the beads, to make the lattice top.

Your pies are done!
Glue them to a hair clip or add little button magnets to the back to decorate your fridge.