Hey Everyone what's up!
So here's something Tiny and useful, a small BOX to keep important SMD components or other similar stuff.
The goal here was to design a small BOX that holds a few of the components I was using during the SMD Process.
I designed this BOX in fusion360 and 3D Printed it on my modified Ender3, In this Instructables, I'm gonna show you guys how you can prepare such BOX in a few easy steps.
These are materials required for this build
3D Printed parts
- Base Body
- Screw- 2.2mm x 5mm
As for the material used in 3D Printed Parts I used Black and orange PLA.
A few weeks ago, I modeled a similar SMD Component BOX which was themed after BB8 DROID from star wars.
It was a useful tool but it had a flaw, it was too big and it requires a huge storage space.
So here's a small and manageable idea, a small BOX under 16mm SIZE inside which we can place really important stuff which we dont want to get mixed with other SMD components like in my case, I have to store a few Attiny85 which are in SOIC8 Package and few WS2812B LEDs.
Here's how I modeled the parts.
- To get started, I first modeled a BOX in fusion360.
- The width length and height of the base were 15.97mm x 15.90mm x 15.50mm
- I extruded it and added two round parts that will hold the Lid with screws from both sides.
- After preparing the BODY, I exported its 3MF file for 3D Printing.
I used my Ender3 to print the small cube.
If you want to modify this model, I have attached its fusion360 and step file so feel free to do that.
3D Printing
First, I made the Base body with Black PLA, I used the following settings for the print.
- Printer Nozzle Dia- 0.5mm Nozzle
- Layer Height- 0.2mm
- Infill percentage - 20% will work as it doesn't have any portion that requires infill.
- Nozzle Temperature - 200°C
- Heat Bead Temperature - 50°C
- Support - No Support required
After making the Base, I swapped the Black PLA with Orange PLA and prepared two Lids with the same print profile.
This whole process roughly took 20 mins.
The quality of the print was average and usable as I was using a 0.5mm Nozzle. it's recommended to use a 0.3mm one with such prints.
Assembly of this BOX was pretty simple and straightforward,
We put on the screw on one side and tighten it slowly, keep in mind that the plastic part is fragile so do this process slowly and with patience. (use 2mm Screw)
In the end, you will have a small BOX that has a working lid connected through a hinged part.
So here's the end result, a nice and small 3D Printed BOX to keep all your important stuff organized.
I hope this design will be helpful to you guys, please let me know if anyone encounters any trouble!
If you are reading this then you're awesome and I'll be back with a new project soon!
Peace out.