Tiny Sugru Rubber Ducky Travel Nail Brush
by alialexander in Living > Life Hacks
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Tiny Sugru Rubber Ducky Travel Nail Brush

I wanted to make a little gift for a friend who is travelling overseas, I had made a tiny travelling nail brush from a toothbrush for myself years ago and found it really useful, so I thought I would make one for her too.
I wanted to personalise it and thought the rubber ducky would be cute - Sugru is rubbery when cured and I hope will be able to stand everyday use - so that is what I used.

- Toothbrushes
- Sugru
- Toothpicks
- Polyclay
- Knife
- Toilet paper
- Nail File
Little Rubber Ducky Beaks

Sugru only comes in one size packet - and once you open it you have to use it all straight away; I decided to use polyclay for the beaks. As I wasn't sure how big the ducks were gonna be I made a range of sizes.
I made a little ball of clay, squashed it into a circle then used the toothpicks to crease it in half, I bent the halves and then took a little bit off the sides.
Toothbrush to Nailbrush

I used the knife to cut through most of the toothbrush, then just snapped them. That's where the nailfile comes in to clean up the edges.
Sugru Rubber Duckys

There are lots of tips for using Sugru on their site https://sugru.com/getting-started
I got three ducks from the pack of Sugru, I divided it into 3 uneven parts and then each one of those I divided into 2. With one half I made the body (which if I did it again would be squatter) and with the rest I made the head, just a ball, and the wings.

Two of the ducks stuck just fine, one however didn't. I think it may have still had some 'resist' from where I had wiped the mirror table with soapy water when I was making the bodies.
When they were cured I used superglue to attach it back and it seems to have worked.

I used a Sharpie to draw the eyes, I noticed that the rubber duck that I have (a present from one of my lovely sisters-in-law) has eyelashes, so these have eyelashes
My finger is in the photo showing scale.