Toothpick Creatures

i really like making little figures, and what better supply to make a figure with than toothpicks? so i decided to use toothpicks to make little animals, my favorite of which is the scorpion.

this is all you need to make these awesome little creatures, toothpicks, hot glue, and paint.(optional.)
Make the Spine

first what you need to do is take the toothpicks and shape one of them into the "spine" of what you want to make. be sure to save and excess parts, you can use them later. directly afterwards you should hot glue and bends or breaks to fortify them.
Add on Important Parts

next what you are going to do is add legs, arms, a neck and any other major part of what you are making.
Make Further Details

next up what you want to do is make add further important parts, such as feet, a head, and ribs.

the next step is to paint the toothpick skeleton, although you do not have to. i personally painted them white, to mimic bones.
Add Final Coat of Hot Glue

and finally add on a semi thick layer of hot glue on top of it all.
Look at It in Awe!

this is what the final product is, at least of how i made it. you should really try it out, it's fun, easy, and awesome!