Transforming Ninja Star

i made a paper ninja star that transforms
i had to get pictures of the internet because my camera wasnt working
8 sheets of square paper coloured or not (i used the only paper i had geography work)
Fold Paper in Half and Fold the Bottem Left

the open part points to the right
Open the Paper and Fold the 2 Top Corners Down

Fold the Crease in and Make It a Diamond( Sort Of) and Then Make 8

We Are Now Putting It Together

Insert one parallelogram into the pocket of the first.
Fold down the tips of the first parallelogram inside the pocket of the second.
Insert a third parallelogram into the pocket of the second.
Fold down the tips of the second parallelogram into the third.
Repeat until you have 2 left.
Last Part
The last part is the trickiest. Slip the pocket of the seventh parallelogram around the point of the first. Then put the pocket of the eighth around the point of the seventh. The point of the eighth parallelogram will be in the pocket of the sixth. Fold all the tips down.
How to transform the star:
Push and pull the sides and watch it transform from an octagon to a star!