Tree Bark Art

In this instructable I am going to share how to make a visually striking yet very simple piece of art from your home.
It can be done will all ages and it wont cost you a fortune ;)
I originally saw someone do a far more substancial version of this on Tiktok BUT they took the bark directly off the tree, PLEASE DONT DO THAT. You can buy bags of tree bark chips from B&Q.
Any way, lets get started

For this instructable you will need.....
Tree bark: as I said before this can be bough from gardening stores. You want large wood chip bark. DONT PEEL IT OFF TREES.
A dark surface to attach the bark to, this can be mount board or a painted canvas.
A second surface similar in size to the drak suface.
Metallic spray paint.
Glue gun and sticks.
Additionally you can also use blue tack to hold your woodchip in place but it's not really necissary
Clean Your Wood Chip

Take a few handfulls, slosh it around in some soapy water, rinse and let it dry.
Laying Out Your Design

On your secondary board NOT THE DARK ONE beigin to lay out your wood chips.
I am opting for a wave/curl type of effect but you can take this in any direction you want. Chances are you will start swapping bits around and playing with the shapes (It's kinda like a giant jigsaw but none of the bits "really" fit)
Once you are happy with your design its time to spray paint it.
Do this in light sprays so you dont blast your woodchip all over the place, this is were the blu tac can be usefull. Also remeber to spray it from all sides to make sure you get all of it covered (dont worry about the under side though)
Glueing It Down

Once your paint has dried start tranfering over your wood chip and gluing it in place. Take your time. You will also find that your design changes a bit as you place it down, dont worry about it, just enjoy the process :)
Once its all done wait for the glue to fully cool and then pull off the glue strands (REALLY WAIT, there is nothing worse than puling on a glue strand and several of your wood chip get pulled off, I speak from experience)

And then all thats left is to find a spot to display it :)
I hope you have enjoyed this instructable and as always comments, thoughts and photos of your own bark art creations are welcome :)