Tri-dimensional Chess

by Isaac Eglash in Living > Toys & Games

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Tri-dimensional Chess

In Star Trek you see this cool chess set with 3 levels (plus 4 attack boards--more about those later). Here is how you can make one.

Step 1: Making the Frame

For the frame, you'll need an old badminton racket and tennis racket (from the thrift store). Cut each racket with a hack saw and bend it to the curve desired. Its that easy!

Base, Boards and Supports

The same thrift store that gave us the rackets gave us this jello mold for the base. Hot glue rocks to the inside to give weight. the little boards or attack boards have supports wich are made out of clear plastic pens youll need atleast four (you should probrally get more just  incase of a problem). 

Making the Boards

now cut of a card board chess board a four by four square section That is a main board. Then you measure the main board and cut out 3 squares of plexiglass the size of the main board. now cut out of a cardboad chess board a two by two square section that is the size of a attack board. measure that attack board and cut out four of the same size plexiglass squares.

Making the Chessboard Pattern

Using the cardboad grid as a guide, mask the dark squares and then apply spraypaint. The attack boards are supposed to be movable, so I glued magnets in the board underside and to the bottom of the pen tubes.

The Final Frontier

Now attach the boards to the frame. I used a combination of hotglue and bolts. You are done. For more copies just feed these instructions into your replicator.